Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Another Old Mini-Essay from 2004

To the lawyers: I forgot to mention that much of the text of this mini essay ended up in a speech by George W Bush during his re-election campaign in March or April of 2004. Could someone ask CBC's David Frum about that? I hear that he was one of Bush's speech writers at the time. I have the original files of this copyright protected work, as well as the originals of many other works that were plagiarized, if any lawyer out there has the courage to support me in a lawsuit.


We Canadians might complain about some of the poorer choices on American television or errors in US foreign policy, but let us not forget what we owe them.

In my case it is an apology. Having recently been told of the disappearance and presumed death of my beloved niece and with no one big enough to take it out on, I attacked American pop culture, along with a lot of other things. Actually I love America and often feel that there is where I belong.

I could stretch out my wings in America, the land of the free. They do more than tolerate individuality, they encourage it. Up here we put peace and order above life and liberty. This restrains the individual and hampers progress.

Every year a new wave of our most dynamic people go south: entertainers and scientists, entrepreneurs and game show hosts. They go where they may follow their imagination in the pursuit of opportunity and the rewards of freedom and equality. They go not to escape obstacles but to challenge them.

I have come close to seeking asylum in the US embassy a few times just for speaking out. During these dark hours I felt all too dearly what our nation was lacking.

While more US citizens could get out and vote, they never lose sight of who’s in charge. Their defiant mockery of unpopular leaders reminds us all that democracy is alive and well.

God bless the American people, those brave dreamers, my brothers and sisters, for their example, for their style. To die for the freedom in my heart is to know that I have lived. And that shining truth is the essence of American cultural influence.

© 2004. Essays by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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